Perfect Pathways, Lawn alternatives, planting blocks.
Discover our new release Perfect Pathways plant blocks! This range consists of lawn alternatives suitable for low–traffic which have been grown in block trays to make planting quick and easy and provide instant impact. These plants are perfect for filling the gaps between pavers. They are low-maintenance, with no mowing required, and are spreading ground covers which can be cut into sections, strips or laid end to end for an instant lawn alternative.
Dichondra repens
Dichondra is an excellent ground cover and will spread by putting its’ own roots where each node meets the soil, making it an ideal lawn substitute in cooler areas of Australia or in small and partly shaded gardens.
Chamomile Roman
A ground cover with cute yellow/white flowers with an aroma of apple. Ideal for dappled or semi shade areas in the afternoon. Aromatic foliage and pretty daisy flowers can be kept neat and tidy with a whipper snipper.
Mint Pennyroyal
A spreading mint, great as lawn sub. Forms a dense matting ground cover that release a strong spearmint aroma when walked on. Good to keep insects at bay.
Sagina Green
Forms a dense moss-like coverage with white flowers. Ground hugging emerald green moss, beautiful velvety feel making a luxurious carpet under foot.
Thyme Creeping
Spreading thyme with masses of mauve coloured flowers. Dense prostrate low growing ground cover with masses of pink flowers in spring. Perfect for filling spots between pathways. Highly fragrant foliage when crushed. Available online and in the Trademart now.